Unwinding and recharging as a busy mom

Published on 13 March 2025 at 23:17

It's no shock to anyone that moms are incredibly busy. Being a parent is a full-time job in itself. Then when you add jobs, family, responsibilities, extracurricular activities, etc. the list of things to get done every day get bigger and bigger. I have always had an organized brain, setting several goals for myself throughout the day. Time management has been one of my best skills and I use those skills even at home. By the time bedtime routine is done and my kids are in bed, it's usually around 8 or 8:30pm. I try to make it my goal to be IN bed by 10:30. Sometimes I go a bit over (like when writing a blog *wink wink*), but in that two-hour time frame, once my house is picked up and lunches are packed, this is my time to unwind and recharge. 

Setting time aside in my day to get to the gym and swim or work on my weightlifting has been my specific self-care time. But that isn't realistic every day. So, on days when I can't get to the gym, I use this window of time to do something for just me. Sometimes that's playing a game I enjoy or watching a movie. Sometimes that's listening to my current audio book or even painting my nails. I often use this downtime to organize aspects of my side business or plan for new ideas. Currently this time has been used to watch my recent show and build my YouTube channel. As parents we are always making time for our kids and their needs, so why aren't we doing this for ourselves?!

So, if you are a parent experiencing burnout and you are juggling the family but not including yourself into the schedule, start now. You deserve it!

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