Unwinding and recharging as a busy mom
It's no shock to anyone that moms are incredibly busy. Being a parent is a full-time job in itself. Then when you add jobs, family, responsibilities, extracurricular activities, etc. the list of things to get done every day get bigger and bigger. I have always had an organized brain, setting several goals for myself throughout the day. Time management has been one of my best skills and I use those skills even at home. By the time bedtime routine is done and my kids are in bed, it's usually around 8 or 8:30pm. I try to make it my goal to be IN bed by 10:30. Sometimes I go a bit over (like when writing a blog *wink wink*), but in that two-hour time frame, once my house is picked up and lunches are packed, this is my time to unwind and recharge.
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